Junior Rugby League Club
Insurance Information
All registered coaches, registered match officials, officials, administrators, voluntary workers and registered junior players of clubs or local leagues affiliated with the Queensland Rugby League and its Divisions are insured for personal injury. Out of pocket costs are 80% covered, less an excess
This minimum level of cover means this program is not ‘comprehensive’ and as such it is encouraged all participants to take out Private Health, Life and Income Protection Insurance according to their own individual needs and circumstances. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for your needs
How to make a claim
To make an injury claim, take the following steps within 30 days of the injury occurring:
Obtain a claim form from Arthur J. Gallagher by calling 1800 SPORT 0 (1800 776 780) or download it by clicking the link in the claims form downloads box on the right
Arrange for your doctor to complete a 'medical statement'
Arrange for your club’s secretary to complete the club’s declaration
If claiming loss of income have the employer complete 'the member’s employment details'
Return the completed claim form to Arthur J. Gallagher within 30 days of the injury occurring